
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention”

― Oscar Wilde

At CBS we welcome donations in kind (such as food, clothing, medicines, books, office equipment, etc.) or cash (either for a particular project or for the orphanage’s Zakat Fund). All you need to do is send us an email informing us of the items or the amount you wish to donate. As the orphanage is a fully non for profit institution any assistance provided is welcome. 

If you wish to deposit any money into the orphanage account, please find below our account details:

A/C Payee Cheque to ‘Islamabad Balika Etimkhana’ 
Postal order to: A/C No. CD / 214, Janata Bank, Ambagan Branch , Chittagong, Bangladesh 
A/C No: 0100021487664

A/C Payee Cheque to ‘Chattogram Balika Sadan’ 
Postal order to: A/C No. CD / 214, Janata Bank, Ambagan Branch , Chittagong, Bangladesh 
A/C No: 0100211175413

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