Message from Founder Members

Those noble persons who laid the foundation of IBE and have passed away over the last 30 years.

May Allah rest their souls in Jannat-ul-Ferdous.

1. Marhoom Aminur Rahman

(Ex. Office President, Deputy Commissioner, Ctg)

2. Marhoom Bazlus Samad Chowdhury

(1 st Founder Vice-President)

Passed away 28th December, 1990

3. Marhoom Abul Kasem Khan

(Founder A.K. Khan. Foundation)

Passed away 31st March, 1991

4. Marhooma Begum Shamsun Nahar Khan

(Vice-Chairman, A. K. Khan Foundation)

Passed away 28th January, 1991

5. Marhooma Durre Shabab Chowdhury

(Daughter of late Mr. Bazlus Samad Chowdhury)

Passed away 8th July, 2001

6. Marhoom Prof. Jamal Nazrul Islam

The names of many benefactors of IBE who have passed away, some cannot name, but Allah knows who they are. May Allah bless them all in Jannat-ul-Ferdous.

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